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Paint Horses: Diese Regeländerungen wurden auf der APHA Convention 2019 beschlossen/ Katarzyna Roleska aus Polen ist Top Stallion Owner
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22 Regeländerungen standen Anfang März in Fort Worth, Texas, auf der Agenda, als sich die Mitglieder der American Paint Horse Association zur APHA Convention trafen. 13 davon werden im kommenden Jahr im Rulebook 2020 zu finden sein, darunter sind die Erweiterung der Klassen um Ranch Cutting udn die Erhöhung der Green-Grenze von 10 auf 25 Punkte:

Summary: Rule explains voting responsibilities of a Director.

Summary: Purposes of this rule change proposal: 1) To promote and improve customer service to APHA Regional Clubs by administering actions which foster greater consistency, accuracy and opportunity for club viability. 2) Generate practices which are labor saving for APHA staff.

Summary: To promote and improve customer service to APHA Regional Clubs by administering actions which foster greater consistency, accuracy and opportunity for club viability.

CONTROL # ART IX-4 (as clarified)
Summary: Purpose of this rule change: 1) To promote and improve customer service to APHA Regional Clubs by administering actions which foster greater consistency, accuracy and opportunity for club viability. 2) Provide the APHA with specific procedure to obtain required information from all active clubs in timely manner and reduce staff hours in facilitating follow-up measures.

Summary: Rule explains Zone Show requirements.

Summary: Eliminates confusion on where to find a list of regional clubs and Racing affiliates.

Summary: Clarifies the procedure for requesting early implementation on rule change proposals.

Summary: Allows cords to be used in the same way as chains in in-hand trail.

CONTROL # SC-206 (as amended)
Summary: To increase the number of points a horse can earn before becoming ineligible for the green classes from 10 to 25 to be consistent with other breed and show associations.

[Amended to provide exception for Zones 12, 13 & 14]

CONTROL # SC-301-2 (Amended)
Summary: Adds Ranch Cutting to the list of APHA-approved events.
[amended to bring rule in agreement with current industry standards]

CONTROL # SC-301-3 (Amended)
Summary: Clarification and modification of the ranch horse class rules.

Summary: Adds color classes to the Amateur Division.

CONTROL # YP-109 (Clarified)
Summary: Creates an 11- to 18-year-old Walk-Trot division for APHA-approved competition. Eligibility restrictions apply.

Full rule change text for those proposals passed at the 2019 Convention is available at apha.com/forms/rule-books.

The following rules did not pass:

Summary: Allows Quarter Horse or Thoroughbreds that have a Paint pattern gene (but without white markings consistent with APHA registration standards) to be registered in the APHA Solid Registry.

CONTROL # RG-070-1
Summary: Amends the current RG-070-E rule to allow advancement of a solid horse to the Regular Registry if the horse has: a) at least one registered APHA parent, with the other parent being registered with APHA, AQHA, the Jockey Club or any other international Thoroughbred Registry recognized by the Jockey Club, along with b) at least one Paint trait, and c) APHA genetic testing confirming the horse carries at least one Paint pattern gene.

Summary: Denotes all breedings as “released” on a stallion breeding report as a function of submission of a stallion breeding report to APHA.

CONTROL # YP-109-1*
Summary: Creates an additional Youth Walk-Trot Division for the age groups of 11-18 years.
[clarified – cannot be combined with WT 5-10]
*Because CONTROL #YP-109 passed, this rule could not be voted on.

Zudem ehrte die APHA die erfolgreichsten Hengstbesitzer, darunter auch Katarzyna Roleska aus Polen:

Top Stallion Owners
Arcese Quarter Horses USA
Fischer Farms
Heritage Farms LLC
Michell Anne Imball
Katarzyna Roleska
Schmersal Reining Horses/Silver Spurs Equine
Silver Spurs Equine
Simons Show Horses LLC
Slide or Die
Mark C. Wilcher

President Gold Star Clubs
Pennsylvania PHC
Slovak Republic PHC

Hall of Fame Inductees
Jim & Judy Schehen
Floyd & Maryann Moore
Dale & Jean Fell
Q T Poco Streke
Like A Diamond
Judys Lineage


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