a nice SQHA's Calender for 2008 and support the youth!
SQHA's calender 2008 - price SEK 100:- /EUR 11 for each plus cost
of freight.
profit from the calender will go directly to the Youth Team representing SQHA
in Youth World Cup 2008, in London, Ontario, Canada.
how many calenders you would like to order, your name and address. Calanders
will be sent to you by post and payment will be on delivery.
our Youth Team to Youth World Cup 2008 Sponsor
packages available for companies: Package
number 1) SEK 1 500:- /EUR 160 You
get your logo on SQHA's homepage during year 2008 with a link to your company
and one year subsciption of the magazine Stallmagasinet (worth SEK 295:-/EUR 31,5) and
one SQHA-calender (worth 100:-/EUR 11). SQHA's home page has 6 - 9 000 visitors
and they stay in general around 11 minutes. You may change your information during
the year. Package
number 2) SEK 2 500:-/EUR 265 You
get your logo on SQHA's home page during 2008 with a link to your company and
three (3) one year subscriptions of the magazine Stallmagasinet (worth SEK 885:-/EUR
95) and three (3) calenders (worth
SEK 300:-/EUR 32) AND Your
company logo in a special advertisement - thanking your company for sponsoring
the youth. Advertisment will be in the magazine Stallmagasinet edition no 4 - which
will be in the shops from May 16th and to July 7th - 30 000 magazines are
printed and this edition is the most read. Add will be half or full page depending
on how many packages are sold. Invoice
to your company will be sent. All
money will go directly to our Youth Team! Thank
you in advance!
5) Sell
your horse? Put an add on SQHA's webbpage.....with photo.... Cost?
Be a member of SQHA and you can put adds on the website for free! Your
membership will also get you a full year subscription of the magazine
Stallmagasinet, (you only pay for extra postage) and you will be able to participate
on all SQHA's shows! Pay
SEK 350:-/EUR 38 (if you are living outside Sweden) to SQHA if you are a
Senior and SEK 200:-/EUR 22, if you are youth (to 18 yrs old) to Postgiro/Nordea
88 02 96 - 2 State
name, adress and telephone on payment
this page to your bookmarks!