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NRHA USA: Neue Pattern, mehr Animal Welfare - mit diesen Regeländerungen soll Reining ab 2016 noch attraktiver werden
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Der Vorstand der National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) in den USA hat sich viel vorgenommen für die kommende Saison 2016, die gleichzeit auch das 50. Jubiläumsjahr des Verbandes ist. Reining soll attraktiver für Reiter und Zuschauer werden, zudem sollen Grundlagen für ein weiteres Wachstum des Sports weltweit gelegt werden.

Dazu wird es ab 2016 zwei neue Pattern geben, ein Leasing soll es Non Pro-Reiter einfacher machen, Pferde aus fremden Besitz zu reiten, Para-Reining wird weiter gefördert und der Fokus soll stärker auf den Animal Welfare-Gedanken gelegt werden.



Eine detaillierte Aufstellung der Regeländerungen erhalten Sie im Mitgliederbereich der NRHA USA, hier eine Übersicht:

41-01-16 - Increases the protest filing fee to $250 to help cover legal costs.

44-01-16 - The appeal of a Hearing Body’s decision will be reviewed by the Executive Committee, reviewing only the information presented to the Investigative Review Committee and Hearing Body. No additional information will be admitted.

44-02-16 - The decision of the Hearing Body will be released to the persons involved as soon as possible, as an immediate notification may not be possible.

47-01-16 - Maintains uniformity with other sections of Disciplinary Action.

47-02-16 - Rewords the heading of the section to correspond with wording in the rest of the section and to maintain uniformity with other sections of Disciplinary Action.

48-01-16 - Includes not allowing contact with either the NRHA Board of Directors or Executive Committee in the course of a protest.

48-02-16 - Revokes the NRHA membership of any member who has been suspended for more than 5 consecutive calendar years, either through disciplinary action or failure to pay.

50-01-16 - These changes include more consistent references to the Animal Welfare and Medications Policies and the Medications Hearing Panel.

54-01-16 - Testing fees will be applied as described in the NRHA Animal Welfare & Medications Policy and NRHA European Region Animal Welfare & Medications Policy. A $7 fee will be assessed per horse, per event effective January 1, 2016. The updated policy (NRHA Policy 11-07-27 – Animal Welfare & Medications Policy (Excluding European Events)) can be found in the Members Only section of nrha.com.

60-01-16 - Allows current NRHA Professionals to maintain a Code of Conduct form on file as long as membership remains current. There is not a Lifetime NRHA Professionals membership, therefore annual membership fees still apply.

61-01-16 - Lowers the waiting period to three years for those members who are no longer an NRHA Professional and wish to become a Non Pro.

62-01-16 - Allows Non Pro competitors the opportunity to participate in our sport without the strict horse ownership restrictions that are currently in place. The lease fee is $100 with renewals being $20, only if completed prior to the lease lapsing on NRHA records. Money earnings during the term of the lease would track as if the lessee is the owner of the horse. All leases end December 31 of the calendar year.

64-01-16 - Improves timelines in responding to Apprentice Applications. All questionable applications will be passed forward to the Non Pro Committee for review.

66-02-16 - Makes the categories of competition and class eligibility easier to understand in a chart format.

68-01-16 - Eliminates duplicate information already included in the Rules for Judging.

74-01-16 - Creates a chart to allow exhibitors easier access to event type approval deadlines.

80-01-16 - Clearly defines the requirements and duties of the NRHA Show Representative position making this information easier to locate and read.

81-01-16 - This moves G. GENERAL SHOW CONDITIONS before F. EVENT APPROVAL and allows the Handbook to flow better from the perspective of the exhibitor.

81-02-16 - Removes the provision allowing all nonmembers to be fined and billed for the membership dues, and now DOES NOT allow earnings accumulated at that show to be recorded. Any nonmembers will be disqualified and forfeited. All riders and owners must be current or join at the time of entry.

82-01-16 - Now, the NRHA Handbook clearly states the need for riders in Para Reining classes to wear ASTM/SEI certified helmets at all times while mounted (during warm-up/practice and while showing).

89-02-16 - Allows Para-Reining classes and events to be held in conjunction with other Para Equestrian events such as but not limited to USA Reining and AQHA Para events. A Para-Reining show may be held as a stand-alone event.

89-03-16 - Correctly uses only the terms jog and lope when referencing the gaits typically referenced in the western stock horse industry – trot and canter has been removed.

90-01-16 - This edit gives exhibitors and show management flexibility to break ties other than using the coin flip option.

99-01-16 - This adds clarification to the rules and requires a youth to have a birthdate on file.

99-02-16 - This addresses the youth lease and follows the same approved changes outlined in 62-01-16.

100-01-16 - Removes the section concerning Youth Incentive Awards from the NRHA Handbook. Once removed from the Handbook, it will become a policy.

104-01-16 - This change now enhances the duties of the NRHA Steward to draw more attention to the welfare of the horse.

112-01-16 - This change adds a Judges Monitor job description, further defining what is expected of them and who will be able to utilize them.

117-01-16 - Allows for tails to be lengthened by hair-to-hair attachment, including weighted tails.

117-02-16 - Allows for riders to straighten the excess rein while in motion as long as they do not alter the tension or length of the reins.

118-01-16 - Adds further definition to actions resulting in a score of zero (for example, rollbacks and the center line).

119-01-16 - Adds further definition to actions resulting in a one-half point penalty (for example, center line).

123-01-16 - Approves the addition of two new official NRHA patterns.

125-01-16 - Rewords patterns 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13 to describe the most desired way to accomplish the transition from circling to the stop.

158-01-16 - Allows AA and A events to utilize the two-point penalty review without having to put it in individual event conditions. Judges will be allowed to review break-of-gate, jogging more than two strides and freeze ups as long as one judge calls the penalty.

In addition to the above rule changes, the NRHA Board of Directors approves the below housekeeping changes in order to clarify the NRHA Handbook and to clean up language.

  • 39-01-16
  • 59-01-16
  • 61-04-16
  • 64-02-16
  • 74-02-16
  • 80-02-16
  • 86-01-16

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z.B. Nico Hörmann, Grischa Ludwig oder Daniel Klein für den Bereich Reining.
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